Hush Puppies - biscuits and such
southern food blog
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Hush Puppies

Hush Puppies


Usually when I write posts I try and come up with a charming or funny story to regale you with.  Using this formula I tell a story about my life, something that happened, whatever, and then when you’re not even expecting it (except you totally are) I tie it back into the recipe.  And then I tell you why I made the recipe, what I liked/didn’t like about it, and usually end it with words like “delicious.”  Because cooking wise, I’m lucky enough to have more delicious nights that fail nights.


Tonight was a fail night.  First of all, I have been sick for 8 days.  With a cold.  WITH A COLD*.  I’m going to admit something that is not going to help my street cred, but on a regular basis I come into contact with 4 people, with few exceptions.  Three  people at work, one fiance.  If any of them gets sick, no matter how minor it is, I am sick within hours.  And for five or six times as long as them.  Imagine what my life was like when I was a preschool teacher.  Awful.  That was also the year I got shingles.  It’s almost as though karma is paying me back for all those kids I dunked under when I was a swim instructor.  And all those times I dressed my brother Ryan up like a girl.


Anyway, so I’m sick.  But I go to work because I’ve missed a few days and I need to go to work.  It’s a long day because my cold has moved to my chest and I have this cough that makes me feel awful.  When I get home I get start making a recipe that I am planning on sharing tonight.  Seared (organic) yellowfin tuna with jalapeño, cilantro, ginger, avocado, and lime.  I am going to tell you about my father’s winter as a commercial tuna fisherman.  Instead, the tuna was bad.  And after a little breakdown on my kitchen floor I thr0w together a pizza (with a tomato from a seed that we harvested last year, which would be more exciting if I weren’t sick and pissed off about the tuna) and pour myself a glass of wine.  And posted this hush puppies recipe.  Because I’m sick and I’d been storing it for the night when I needed to get a post out but just couldn’t.  Which is tonight.  Plus, hush puppies are awesome, you should make them.  Delicious.


*Turns out I am sick with an acute upper respiratory infection, plus a dash of bronchitis and a hint of sinusitis.  At least my body keeps it interesting, right?

Hush Puppies

1 cup corn meal

1/2 cup flour

1 egg

1/2 cup buttermilk

Pinch of paprika

Pinch of cayenne

Pinch of garlic powder

Salt & pepper

Peanut oil for frying

Begin by mixing dry ingredients.  In a separate bowl, whisk together egg and buttermilk.  Combine wet and dry ingredients, and use your hands to form 1/2″ round balls.

Heat your oil in a large skillet.  You want your oil to be deep enough that the puppies can be totally immersed.  You’ll know when your oil is hot enough if bubbles form around a wooden spoon.

Drop each ball into the fryer.  Use a spoon to push them around so they’re sure to get cooked on both side.  Cook until golden brown- 3 or 4 minutes.  Remove with a slotted spoon and place on paper towels so they can dry through and through.

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  • Denisha Corl

    21.08.2010 at 11:31 Reply

    Great post. Can’t wait to read the next ones :)

  • Becky

    08.01.2015 at 08:40 Reply

    Thank you for this hush puppy recipe. My mother made the best ever, however she died when I was a teen and uninterested in learning to cook. Now I love fish and miss those hush puppies, she minced onion in hers. I will be making this receipe tomorrow! I promise!

  • Mack H

    27.02.2015 at 05:17 Reply

    Four ingredients? Like a wise man said: There’s three kinds of people, the ones who can count and the ones who can’t.

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