Biscuit Topped Chicken Pot Pie
February has always been the hardest month of the year for me. It's cold, dreary, vast, and what comes to mind when I...
February has always been the hardest month of the year for me. It's cold, dreary, vast, and what comes to mind when I...
Growing up there were two kinds of winters- Brunswick stew winters and chili winters. Every year my dad would make an insanely large...
Last week we had the pleasure of spending time at our family house in Morehead City with my some of my immediate family....
For Ev's birthday we served chicken and waffles (which my friend pointed out meant we basically served pound cake two ways). The fried...
This fall I was offered the opportunity to write a book that I've been wanting to write, thinking about writing, for years. A...
This Spring has been absolutely lovely. The weather, in what I can only take as a third trimester miracle, has been actual spring...
So I had the slightest moment of hesitation sharing this recipe the week before Valentine's Day because chicken & dumplins' are decidedly unsexy,...
Guys, over the years we've made a lot of turkeys. We've roasted turkeys, grilled turkeys, fried turkeys, soaked turkeys in bourbon, and even...
For reasons that are probably only interesting to me, I've been on an anti-inflammatory diet for the past month, and will be on...
Guys, I took a break. I took a vacation where I turned off my email and checked out of all of my work...
Last month we headed to Charleston to take advantage of a fantastic opportunity to stay with the Belmond Charleston Place. It was an...
My collards have come up! They're green and beautiful and tender and perfect and I love them. I mean, I always love collards,...
I woke up yesterday morning and the first thing I thought was "CHRISTMAS STARTS TODAY!" We drove up yesterday to Morehead City to...
For the past few years I have been pretty sure that being in Southern Living was going be the highlight of my career. I've been very fortunate...
One of my favorite traditions is our yearly friends Thanksgiving- Fauxgiving. We invite a ton of friends over and I cook everything that...
This month I am the featured "Food Blogger of the Month" over on The Local Palate, which is a huge honor that I...
There are many things to love about a Farmer's Market-- an excuse to wake up early on a Saturday and indulge in a...
I think it's safe to say that in the past year I've learned more about meat than in any of my previous years...
I'm the first one to admit that over the course of the past year or so I've gotten obsessed with running. I really...
This past Sunday, on our way out of Durham, we stopped in to Watt's Grocery for brunch with my friend Julia. I'd not...
Well friends, we did it! We're moved in to the new house and 95% unpacked, which is basically a miracle. We got in...
For those of you who have followed the blog for a while, you may remember that last year Dan and I fried our...
Next Friday we're skipping town and heading to the motherland. I cannot wait. Every inch of my body is dying for a break....
Also known as Beer Butt Chicken. I'm a lady, though, so we'll call them Beer Can Chickens. We served two of them for...
The first time I remember having Shepherd's pie (which a know-it-all-coworker/good friend just pointed out is actually Cottage Pie because it is beef,...
A few weeks ago when I announced this month o' pie on twitter and the like I got a lot of feedback, requests,...
One of the most fun parts of celebrating National Pie Month this way is that we've been able to share the pie love...
If you follow me on twitter you'll know that I've been in kind of a slump lately. Part of it is that I've...
This year we managed to make Christmas last until January 15th. One benefit of having large families spread all over the country is...
I know I've said this before, and I know I'll say it again, but Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. And I am not...
Sometimes we get very lucky and have the opportunity to host someone very important to us. This past weekend it was our old...
Starting a post about one of my favorite foods has left me here, sipping my coffee, for almost an hour. Where do I...
To frame this post, I'd like to tell you Dan's recommended names. First was "Pork Fig Fat." Secondly, he went with PORK FIG...
Oftentimes I begin to compose posts for this site in my head, far from my computer screen. Whether I'm driving through suburban Maryland...
Nothing freaks me out as much as cooking whole turkeys. Part of it, I think, stems from my years as a vegetarian. Cooking...
I know, logically, that it's not winter yet. I also know that I should stop whining about the fact that the seasons are...
When I'm at the grocery store, I always look at the whole chickens and think about what I would do with them. Usually...
One of the most unfortunate things about living in Florida was how far away we were from my mother's side of the family....
I've talked a lot about my grandmother, Barbara, on this site. She, along with my mother, taught me a lot of what I...
One of my favorite meals during the summer months are stuffed vegetables. I love the flavors of the roasted vegetables, and it makes...
I can thank the Food Network for 70% of my food cravings. The rest can be attributed to a combination of hormones, food...
This is my least favorite part of the year. By Valentines Day I'm wintered out, and it feels like the stretch between...
A craving for saffron rice this week led to a quest to find the perfect meal to accompany it. While I was thinking...
Since lately I've been posting a blitz of fall dessert recipes, and since this blog is already heavy in the baked goods, I...
This year, because of a scheduling mishap with our families, Dan and I are missing a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Which, I will admit,...
To me, fried chicken has always been synonymous with boating. For reasons I can't explain, fried chicken is the perfect boat/beach food. That...
Early in high school, I decided to become a vegetarian. My decision was heavily influenced by my new friends at Durham's art magnet...