Lovely Internet 4.18.14 - biscuits and such
southern food blog
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Lovely Internet 4.18.14

Lovely Internet 4.18.14

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1. Who else is craving a mint julep?

2. The truth about gentrification.

3. The oldest living things in the world.

4. Dan and I still quote this video constantly. And, 11 years later, STILL FUNNY.

5. This is a pretty powerful statement.

6. I had breakfast yesterday with Tracy and, much to my delight, my avocado toast and farm fresh egg were both drizzled with sea salt and marash pepper. Have you tried this before? It’s fantastic!

7. Even though I knew this was inevitable, my natural response is still WHAT.

8. How much do I want this?? (a lot)

9. Shoveling while black.

10. I will definitely be making this when I get home next week.

For more tidbits from Elena the person, follow me on twitter (@elenabrent or @biscuitsandsuch), instagrampinterest or facebook. Follow along with MissElenaeous for thoughts on everything other than Southern food.

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