Muscadine Hull Pie - biscuits and such
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Muscadine Hull Pie

It’s muscadine season! That wild grape that has inspired hundreds of years of Southern jams, jellies, preserves, pies, and wines is back in the markets and ready for your kitchen.


hull pie 1


I decided to try my hand at a muscadine hull pie. Traditionally a way to use the hulls when the pulp and juice were being used in other recipes, the hull pie epitomizes the thrifty and frugal country recipe.


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hull pie 2


When they’re cooked down muscadines have a sweet and tart flavor that is similar to cherries. I decided to use the whole grape, pitting them first, which made for a filling that perfect complimented my buttery crust. What a treat. I think I’ll need to replicate this before the end of muscadine season!


hull pie 5

Muscadine Hull Pie


4 cups whole muscadines

1/2 cup brown sugar

Juice of 1 lemon

Pinch of salt

1 tsp vanilla extract


2 1/2 cups flour

2 sticks cold butter

1/4 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup cold water

1 egg

1 tbsp brown sugar

In a food processor combine flour, butter, sugar, and salt. Pulse until texture resembles cornmeal. Add in water, a few tablespoons at a time. Pulse until a dough ball forms, adding more water as needed. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill.

Remove tops from muscadines and squeeze the pulp out. Remove the seeds and combine pulp and hulls in a pot over medium-low heat. Stir in brown sugar, lemon juice, salt, and vanilla. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to a simmer. Cook for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until filling has thickened.

Flour a work surface and roll out half your dough. Drape over a pie crust and stir in filling. Roll out remaining half and lay over top of the filling. Fold the edges of the bottom dough over the top crust and press together. Brush top with egg and sprinkle with brown sugar. Bake at 350F for 40-45 minutes or until crust is golden brown and flakey. Serve hot.

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  • DessertForTwo

    09.09.2014 at 04:51 Reply

    This is making me drool! The taste of Muscadine is something that can’t be explained or replicated anywhere but the South. And thank God for that! :)

    • Elena Rosemond-Hoerr

      09.09.2014 at 08:01 Reply

      Agreed! They are just one of those amazing fleeting seasonal things that make the South so magical.

  • Emily

    09.09.2014 at 06:24 Reply

    Love it! This is making me miss muscadines. I need to find a spot for them in DC!

    • Elena Rosemond-Hoerr

      09.09.2014 at 08:01 Reply

      You do! I was going to offer to bring some up to you last week and then I totally lost track of myself… scatter brain!

  • biscuits and such | Muscadine & Honey Syrup

    21.09.2015 at 17:52 Reply

    […] I’m even more excited for that next bucket of grapes. I’ll keep you posted (I suspect a hull pie is in my near […]

  • Chelsea Lance

    06.09.2017 at 21:08 Reply

    I used this recipe, but doubled up on everything to make 2 pies at once. I tweaked a few things here and there, such as using my hands to make the dough because I do not own food processor. It is still baking, and smells AMAZING. I tasted the filling before it went in and it was delish! My muscadines came straight from my dads garden here in Georgia. One pie for me and my friends, and one pie for him! Thanks for the recipe!

  • Natalie Lobel

    09.10.2017 at 08:47 Reply

    Hi there,
    I would love to feature your Muscadine Hull Pie recipe on our website. Would you be interested in working with us here at The Daily Meal? We would link back and credit your site of course, but it would be in our recipe format. It’s for a Slideshow called “ The 50 Best Pies In Every State” which tend to do very well. We have a deadline for this coming up so please let me know at your earliest convenience!


  • Ted Moore

    02.06.2019 at 11:27 Reply

    Looking for Vera’s muscadine pie.

  • Ted Moore

    02.06.2019 at 11:28 Reply


    ng for Vera’s muscadine pie.

  • Ted Moore

    02.06.2019 at 11:29 Reply

    Looks like a good pie.

  • Ted Moore

    02.06.2019 at 11:30 Reply

    I have pin head size grapes on the vine. I hope to make a pie in the fall.

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