Pecan Pie
I would like to preface any and all interactions that you and I have with pecans by mentioning that I pronounce them the phonetic way, as is traditional in the south. So when you’re reading these recipes and your eyes skim over this understated word, think “pea-can.” Any other pronunciation is just silly.
Speaking of pronunciations. So Dan is from Pennsylvania, a place where there are a’plenty of towns and rivers and bridges with Native American names (or Western interpretations of Native American words) that I just cannot wrap my tongue around. I’m not insinuating it’s a southern thing. I was told by a friend a few years back that it’s because I was raised to read words phonetically, as opposed to blending the words, sounding out each letter. Take for instance, the Washington State town of Puyallup. Now when I see the word Puyallup, I break it down into what ends up coming out of my mouth as “Poo-y’all-up.” I have been informed that this is not the way they in Puyallup prefer to have it pronounced. No, it is actually something that sounds like “puh-wallup.” I digress.
Pecan pie is gloriously simple to make. For a pie with such a complex taste, it almost feels like cheating. There is a small amount of whisking, a little measuring, some crunching, and a lot of salivating as it bakes, but really, there’s nothing to it. I like to make pecan pie with a little brown sugar in the crust. As well as a little cinnamon. I think that a slightly cinnamon crust on pies like pecan and chocolate chess that don’t have cinnamon in the filling give it a little extra oomph. Also, if you wanted to add a bit of chocolate to this, make it something like an inverse chocolate chess pie, it’d be delicious.
Pea-can Pie
1 stick of butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup corn syrup
1/4 tsp salt
3 eggs
1 1/2 cup chopped (or crushed) pecans
Pie crust (bottom only- see recipe here)
Melt butter and set aside to cool. Beat eggs, then add sugar, syrup, and butter. Whisk together. Incorporate pecans.
Bake at 350* for 30 minutes.
(you feel like a con artist, don’t you? maybe like it’s semi-homemade? well set aside the guilt sandra lee, this is 100% you and you don’t have to let on how easy it was)
24.02.2010 at 08:12Your post was automatically linked to one I just published about our Pi(e) Day party, because of the pecan pie connection. I had to laugh about your insistence on the pea-can pronunciation. I grew up in New Mexico, where lots of pecans are grown, and we always said it puh-CON (emPHAsis on the last syLABle :^). We have friends (here in Michigan, I think they might have grown up here) with a dog they named Pecan, but they pronounce it like you – so we’ll be having a conversation and we’re saying the dog’s name differently. Given that it’s a name – and a name THEY picked out – I really should use their pronunciation, but I just can’t get my brain to do that!
p.s. I was shocked the first time I made peCON pie at how easy it is – our recipe is even easier than yours, because it just uses brown sugar and no white. Oh wait – we use vanilla. I guess the ingredient count is the same. Never mind…