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Kohlrabi & Potato Hash, and an Introduction

First things first, I had a baby! Everett David joined us on June 20th, just in time for the summer solstice strawberry moon. Even though he came early (twelve whole days!), he was a whopping 8lbs 9oz and 21″ long. We cooked a biggun. We’re incredibly smitten.


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The day I went into labor (a full week before I had him) we had brunch with friends, a brunch that featured this breakfast hash from the vegetables in our CSA- kohlrabi, fresh potatoes, broccoli, garlic scapes, green onions, spring onions. Our CSA, which is with a local female farmer named Lizzy Lou, has been incredible this year. It’s a wonderful mix of interesting and different vegetables, fruit (wild blackberries the past two weeks!), and special items like dried tea leaves and fresh cut flowers. It’s been especially helpful the past few weeks while I was laboring and after Everett was born.


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I have so much to say about this experience, about becoming a mother, about this baby who has already completely changed my world. So much and I’m not entirely sure where to start. I guess the stats? He’s got strawberry blonde hair, and it seems to get more strawberry every day. He’s big, he’s busted out of all the newborn stuff we had and eating like a champ. I can’t stop looking at him, snuggling him, holding him, loving him. He’s easily the coolest and most amazing thing I’ve ever made. And considering what it took for him to get here (on both sides), I can’t stop pinching myself and feeling so grateful that this moment is finally here. I have a newborn son that I get to snuggle! It’s a dream come true, and worth every sleepless minute.


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We’re taking it in stride, one day at a time. This new parenthood is not for the faint of heart. Thankfully I have the most amazing partner in Dan, who has focused on taking care of me so that I can take care of Everett. And our local community of family and friends who have come in to support us- cooking, cleaning, bringing us snacks and treats and flowers- it has been incredible. Our freezer is stocked with meats and our fridge is full of the bounty of our CSA, and we’re just existing in this hazy dreamy (sometimes fussy) place.


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So that’s where we are. It’s July, my 30th birthday is around the corner, we’re spending our days laying in bed eating and feeding and snuggling and being. And appreciating. It took us a lot to get here, and now that we’ve made it I’m doing everything I can to stay in the moment. To love on and be with this little boy who so quickly became everything.


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Kohlrabi & Potato Hash


5-6 small new potatoes

1 purple kohlrabi

1 white kohlrabi

1 white onion

3 garlic cloves

5-6 garlic scapes

1 bunch baby broccoli

2 tbsp butter

Salt, pepper, red pepper flakes


Mince your garlic and onion and add to a skillet over medium heat. Grate your potatoes and white kohlrabi root and add to a skillet along with seasoning. Cook over medium heat, using a spatula to turn every 3-4 minutes. Add more butter as necessary if potatoes begin to stick.


While your potatoes are cooking grate the purple kohlrabi root and mince the kohlrabi greens, garlic scapes, and baby broccoli.


When the potatoes have browned add in the kohlrabi greens and stir well, allowing to cook for 3-5 minutes. Follow that by adding in the purple kohlrabi root, and the additional greens. Stir well and cook for another 1-2 minutes. Serve hot.

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Grilled Ramps

Ramps are one of the true signs of Spring in the market. Their fleeting presence gives us a glimpse of what’s to come, a taste of the fruits and vegetables we’re all pining for. Spicy, fresh, green, crunchy, ramps are like nothing else and also like everything else.


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I grilled ours and served them with sliced baked potatoes (in mini cast iron pans because why not) and pork chops. It was easy, it was delicious, and more importantly it was a break from the kale we’ve been eating nonstop since October. Glad you’re here, ramps, I’m ready for the summer’s bounty you’re taunting!


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Grilled Ramps


Fresh ramps

Olive oil

Sea salt

Red pepper flakes


Wipe the ramps down with a wet cloth to remove dirt. Drizzle the ramps with olive oil, making sure the leaves in particular are lightly coated to avoid burning. If cooking on a grill, lay down a layer of tin foil. Otherwise, cook on a skillet over medium heat. Cook for 4-5 minutes on each side, until leaves have browned. Sprinkle with salt and red pepper flakes and serve hot.

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Littleneck Clams, Salmon & Collards Skewers, Grilled Asparagus

This Spring has been absolutely lovely. The weather, in what I can only take as a third trimester miracle, has been actual spring weather, for weeks. Usually in these parts we get a few days of glorious spring and then it’s 90F+ and 100% humidity out until November. But we’ve had the most incredible stretch of cool, clear days, just warm enough that the whole of town has erupted in bloom.


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Our farmer’s market on the river opened up for the season a few weeks ago, and I was pleasantly surprised by all the options, especially the greenhouse heirloom tomatoes that were too beautiful to resist. This morning I picked up tomatoes, asparagus, littleneck clams, fresh mozzarella, garlic, salmon, onions, and collards and we had a spring feast, firing up the grill for the first time this season.


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In what was maybe the best change-of-season use of collards imaginable (I love collards but I’m a little tired of my tried and true winter collards), we decided to fold the collards and add them to the kabobs. Along with sliced lemon, red onion, and salmon it made a fantastic kabob, coming off the grill tender and bursting with flavor. We also grilled the asparagus, with lemon juice and olive oil, and the clams. My clam sauce is classic and irresistible- white wine, butter, garlic, salt, basil. The tomatoes and mozzarella were tossed with olive oil and basil, salt and pepper, and tasted like everything that is good about summer.


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Eating has been different these past 7 months, and my relationship with food has changed dramatically. It’s been interesting to watch, and a little bit like a roller coaster to experience. With 9 weeks until my due date I’ve reached the place where I’m low on space in my stomach, and I’m finding myself gravitating towards the foods that are gentle on me. I predict that by July this baby will be mostly composed of watermelon and tomatoes.


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I’ve been thinking a lot the past few months about what I want to happen with this blog, this space. All these life changes- finding out I have celiacs, getting pregnant- have forced me to really step back and have given me the chance to evaluate what this all looks like going forward. I don’t have all the answers, but I have realized something important- I want to share the best of what I have to offer here. So instead of pushing myself to come up with scheduled content, I will be here when I have something valuable to offer, something I think you’re hungry for. This week, that means clams, asparagus, and salmon skewers. I’ll be back soon with the next delicious thing to cross my table. In the mean time, there are eight years of archives to keep you full.



Salmon, Lemon, & Collard Skewers


1lb fresh salmon

2 large lemons

6-8 collards leaves

1/2 red onion

Olive oil



Cut your salmon into cubes, your onion into chunks, and one of your lemons into slices and halve the slices. De-rib your collards. Add your ingredients to the skewer, taking care to pass the skewer through the middle of the salmon and onions and on the rinds of the lemon. Fold your collards into a cube before skewering them.

Toss with olive oil, lemon juice, and salt. Allow to marinate 1-3 hours before grilling. Grill 5-6 minutes on each side, and serve hot.


Grilled Asparagus


1 bundle asparagus

1 lemon


Olive oil


Trim your asparagus ends. Make a tin foil boat and toss the asparagus with olive oil, lemon juice, and salt. Grill, tossing occasionally, for 15-20 minutes, or until tender.


Little Neck Clams in White Wine Sauce


2 dozen clams

1 stick butter

3 cloves garlic

1 tsp sea salt

1 cup dry white wine

Handful fresh basil


Grill your clams for 10-12 minutes until they are wide open. While they’re on the grill melt the butter with the minced garlic over low heat. When the butter has browned slightly, stir in the wine and the salt. As soon as the clams are off the grill toss them in the sauce and transfer to a serving bowl. Top with chopped basil. Serve hot (you might want some bread for lapping up that sauce afterwards!)

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