Blog - biscuits and such
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Lovely Internet 3.13.15

1. Dan and I are on the Southern Weddings blog today! I married a pretty cool dude.

2. This, pretty much, exactly.

3. An interesting response to the whole #mimigate situation. I agree, the sameness in food media is boring. How do we change that? I loved this point- “We need to remember that when everyone is telling us we’re doing great, we’re probably doing something wrong. Challenging ourselves, and others, doesn’t always feel good. But imagine where it could get us.”

4. People of the Tobacco Road (this was spot on)

5. Salt comes second only to butter (salted butter) on my list of kitchen essentials.

6. Hey there, Wilmington! Bee City!

7. Mrs. Wheelbarrow in the importance of quality ingredients when pickling!

8. Pi Day is tomorrow! We’ll be at a Pi Day centric wedding, and I’ll be sure to have a moment at 9:26.53 (both times).

9. Thanks for this, internet.

10. To be totally honest, I’ve been pretty overwhelmed and a little bit salty at all the judgement and hysteria rippling through the food blog community lately. It has struck a chord with how I feel generally about the state of food blogging, so last night I posted a bit of a rant about it. I’d love to hear your thoughts, here or over at missELENAeous.

P.S. Did you see the tour of the new B&S design?


For more tidbits from Elena the person, follow me on twitter (@elenabrent or @biscuitsandsuch), instagrampinterest or facebook. Subscribe to my bloglovin’ feed to make sure you never miss a post. Follow along with MissElenaeous for thoughts on everything other than Southern food.

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A New Look for B&S

After many late nights of screaming at my computer I am proud and excited to introduce the new Biscuits and Such! It was a huge overhaul of the whole site and I’m both very happy with how it looks and completely terrified by the change. So you know, progress as usual!



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The biggest change is that the front page is no longer just the blog feed, but instead a collection of featured posts and recipes. You’ll find a scrolling carousel of ten of my favorite recent recipes (click the photo to see the recipe in full!) and the four most recent blog posts. Want to see more of the blog? Just click “More Blog Posts” to see our blog page!



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Speaking of the blog page! Click on the “Blog” link in the menu and you’ll see everything ever posted on B&S, three posts at a time.



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If you’re looking for something a little more specific, I think you’ll like the new recipe index. From main menu you can scroll through our recipes by category. You’ll see all the posts, starting with the most recent,  in an image based format. I can’t get over how awesome this looks, it’s so much fun to scroll through all the recipes and see over six years worth of recipes.



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Know exactly what you want? There’s a search! Click on the magnifying glass on the right side of the menu and a search bar pops up at the top. No matter what page you’re on you can pull up the search bar and search to your heart’s desire.



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Ultimately the reason I decided to overhaul the site is to make it more responsive, something that is a priority as use of mobile devices to access sites of all kind becomes more common. So no matter whether you’re accessing B&S on your computer, tablet, or phone, it will look beautiful.



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I am so happy with how it looks, and the feedback has been really wonderful and incredibly supportive. I would love to hear from YOU about what you think of the new design, and please know that I am happy to answer any questions you may have about navigating it. And I’m sure there are still some glitches, so if you find anything funky, let me know. And, as always, thank you for reading and loving and sharing B&S. The past six years of writing this site have been life changing, and I so appreciate the support of all of the people who read this site and make it worth it.

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Lovely Internet 3.6.15

1. #thedress and the problem with attention policing.

2. This article was incredibly interesting. I twang hard when I’m with certain people (my dad and bestie Megan, namely), but most of the time you’ll only hear my accent in a handful of words. Unless I’m giving a talk- I twang real hard when I’m giving speeches.

3. AMEN.

4. Hah!

5. Bless your heart, Buzzfeed.

6. Ah, I do find myself missing Purim parties this time of year.

7. Thanks for the laugh, McSweeney’s, as always.

8. I will never understand what purpose “~” serves in emails/texts. Honestly. I couldn’t even find it on my keyboard just now. That probably says something about me.

9. This was just what I needed to read this week.

10. On Saturday my friend Oren passed away. I wrote some things when I heard the news, and in the days since many of his fellow dad bloggers have written beautiful and moving tributes. Oren was one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met, which explains why he’s made such a deep impact on so many lives. His approach to life, parenting, writing, and living were an inspiration, and we’re all better for having had him as a part of our experience on this Earth.


For more tidbits from Elena the person, follow me on twitter (@elenabrent or @biscuitsandsuch), instagrampinterest or facebook. Subscribe to my bloglovin’ feed to make sure you never miss a post. Follow along with MissElenaeous for thoughts on everything other than Southern food.

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