Lovely Internet 5.16.17
1. This is something I’ve always felt strongly about as an educator- it’s important to say “I don’t know.”
2. Um, yeah. I want this.
3. Everything about this sounds delightful.
4. Free Willy.
5. I am terrible at peeling hard boiled eggs. Maybe this will help?
6. Edible water. I think we need to try this at school!
7. This cake really is everywhere. I’m always on the lookout for unpasteurized buttermilk/dairy so that I can experiment with the chemical reaction behind this famous cake.
8. I’ve been thinking of getting dog portraits done for their 1st & 2nd birthdays. I know, I’ve gone off the deep end.
9. This is old, but just about the sweetest thing ever.
10. We got chicks! For school! They are the cutest thing and I am dying.
For more tidbits from Elena the person, follow me on twitter (@elenabrent or @biscuitsandsuch), instagram, pinterest or facebook. Follow along with MissElenaeous for thoughts on everything other than Southern food.