Lovely Internet 5.15.15
1. The rise of Amy Schumer.
2. Prince wrote a tribute song to Baltimore. (One of many reasons I think I found the perfect name for this new chicken)
3. John Oliver makes some convincing points about the state of maternity leave in this country.
4. I have been incubating and hatching turkeys at school this week and it is AMAZING and holy shit the universe is weird and crazy and overwhelming and awesome.
5. Get comfortable being uncomfortable (and other sage advice from Amy Poehler)
6. My friends Liz and Rye are launching a new course- Real Food for Real Life. I’ve been reading through it for them and it is fantastic. If you’re looking to make some big changes in your relationship with food, this is a great way to do it.
7. A primer on race. (also) Also, the CDC has debunked the myth of the absent black father.
8. Ten truths about educating kids.
9. We’ll miss you, B.B. Thank you for your music.
10. Congrats, you have an all male panel!
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