Lovely Internet 11.20.15
1. Used to be, when we lived in Maryland, that my twang only came out when I was nervous or three sheets to the wind. These days it’s creeping back into my every day life, and I’m not mad at it. There’s just something about that North Carolina twang that makes me feel home.
2. The lovely ladies of Brine Hound (from Baltimore!) sent me an oyster shucking set with a personalized shucking block, shucking knife, and the most fabulous tea towel I’ve ever seen. I could not be happier with them, and I will definitely be giving some as gifts this holiday season to the oyster lovers in my life.
3. The lessons we learn from attending schools that are racially and socioeconomically diverse are far more valuable than any academics.
4. This is a wonderful response. Also, this.
5. I want to curl up in a pair of old yoga pants and this sweater all winter long.
6. This is not great, guys.
8. These tweets, forever.
9. Wearing pants basically IS the worst, so you’re right about that Matt.
10. It’s time for the annual Food52 holiday swap! I can’t wait to put together this year’s box of goodies.
P.S. Just in time for the big day, I’ve put all of B&S’s holiday-friendly recipes in one space. Scroll through our Holiday Recipe index and get ready for the season of good eating!
For more tidbits from Elena the person, follow me on twitter (@elenabrent or @biscuitsandsuch), instagram, pinterest or facebook. Subscribe to my bloglovin’ feed to make sure you never miss a post. Follow along with MissElenaeous for thoughts on everything other than Southern food.