Lovely Internet 4.10.15
1. Jenny has finished her second book and I cannot wait.
2. Dixie is dead. Take her out back and bury her.
3. Sheep are making a comeback.
4. What the world needs is definitely not #whitegirlsrock.
5. Is the answer to the California drought (and our global shortage of fresh water) desalination?
6. The origins of white people.
7. “LOL, what volcano?”
8. Pasture raised hens– is this the future of mass egg production?
9. I’ve been working on a book proposal for well over a year and I’ve found, honestly, it’s harder to write the proposal than it is to write the book. Heidi has some great insight on proposal writing.
10. Our Ireland trip, day by day- 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 (and as a bonus, our selfie series 1 / 2 )
P.S. The No Time to Cook Book is out!
P.P.S. Grace on being vulnerable.
For more tidbits from Elena the person, follow me on twitter (@elenabrent or @biscuitsandsuch), instagram, pinterest or facebook. Subscribe to my bloglovin’ feed to make sure you never miss a post. Follow along with MissElenaeous for thoughts on everything other than Southern food.